Product Suite

SkillWallet has 5 complementary products:

To integrate SkillWallet takes 2 minutes. The Partner's Agreement is the 1st step. It allows to create a community, customizing:

  1. community name + logo + description,

  2. market [DeFi & Infrastructure / Art & NFT / DAO Life], and

  3. 2/3 roles that members can have in the new community.

After doing so, you sign the partner's agreement, and the community is deployed on the blockchain πŸŽ‰

It's the decentralized authentication system for Web3. Similar to how you authenticate with Google - just decentralized, and universal. It's integrated in our integrating partners' platforms' frontend. And it knows all the information customized during the Partner's Agreement, so new members of a Community will already be able to create+claim their SkillWallet ID, and take one of the 3 roles in the Community.

You use the Mobile App to:

  1. receive your SkillWallet ID by scanning a QR-Code,

  2. see the open tasks in your community,

  3. see all badges, reputations credits, future rewards you're going to receive,

  4. allow community members to communicate with each other.

From the Partner's Dashboard, one can do three (3) main things:

  1. Manage membership & community

  2. Manage Integrations & Contracts

  3. Event Manager

Community managers can create 3 types of Tasks that live directly on-chain. They are assigned specifically to one of the Roles in the community, and either a varying number, or all the community members in that role.

It allows Partners Communities to connect and manage their Community directly on Discord. It connects a SkillWallet ID to a Discord's participant's role, and allows the Community and its members to perform tasks directly there.

Last updated